Murder On The Stonhyr Express
The Stonhyr Express is the premier rail service between Siddar City and Blackpoint at the tail end of the 8th Century AGS. The line is operated by the International Company of Sleeping Cars, I.C.S.C., by license of the Trans-Siddar Railroad, the Republic's semi-public rail corporation.
This module focuses on a particularly unfortunate trip on the Sixth Day before the Ides of the Twelfth Moon of the Year 795 AGS (6IDE 3M 795Y). The Express, delayed due to a higher-precedence military rail convoy, is caught in a terrible blizzard West of Featherfurth, and derails on a snowbank. The following morning, two murders are discovered in the First Class sleeping car. What looks like an argument over gambling debts gone bad is quickly revealed as a double homicide, and with the blizzard raging, the killer must still be onboard.
Passengers (NPC)
Abner Cochran
Race | Human |
Age | 62 |
Occupation | Director of the Line |
Cabin | A5 |
Reason for Travel | Employee / Owner / Company Representative |
Keywords | Former Gendarme, Devoted to ICSC, Kindly from Age |
A former detective for the Siddar City Gendarmerie, Cochran was an early investor in the burgeoning railways of the Republic, making him fantastically wealthy. After his forced retirement, Cochran founded the International Company of Sleeping Cars with a group of investors, spurred by the dream of luxurious rail travel.
The I.C.S.C. Board has threatened to remove Cochran from the directorship if the company stock misses yet another earnings forecast. The news of an unsolved pair of murders on the train would be disastrous for public perception in the company.
Cochran's dominant hand has no strength due to an accident during his days at the Gendarmerie. Additionally, he was with Mat Stoker and the engineers in the locomotive at the time of the crimes.
Silver Gray suit bearing the company lapel pin. Right hand doesn't clench. Right Handed, but learned to use Left.
I was in the engine the entire time. As soon as the train struck the snowbank, I knew it would be trouble. After 30 years in the service you can just tell the difference between an hours-long delay and a days-long delay.
Conductors Stoker and Wright came with me, the engineers will vouch for all of us. We were there until well past 1:00 AM. Stoker left temporarily to announce the delay to the passengers, but he returned within minutes.
Colonel Isham Labey
Race | Dragonborn (Red) |
Age | 45 |
Occupation | Solder, Army of the Republic |
Cabin | B3 |
Reason for Travel | Transfer to Blackpoint |
Keywords | Honorable, Upright, Slightly Stupid, Humorless |
A veteran of the recent Western Conflicts, Col. Labey holds an automatic distrust bordering on outright xenophobia of foreigners. Dohlarans are only barely a step above the Western savages in his book. He was Katherine Rand's former superior officer during her youth in the military.
He is deeply in love with Ms. Rand, and has been secretly seeing her despite the risks to both (he was never implicated in the scandal that kicked her out of the Army, but could stand court martial for hiding it ever since).
He was with Lette all throughout the night of the crime, beyond Pinkerton's suite.
He wears an Army dress uniform. Left Handed
I was with Mr. Lette all night, discussing his blatantly absurd ideas until well past 3 in the morning. The cabin door was ajar all night, several passengers and the occasional conductor passed by.
I believe Ms. Gibb rushed by around 12:30 AM, sometime just before Conductor Stoker returned to announce the derailment.
Katherine Rand
Race | Elf |
Age | 40 |
Occupation | Governess |
Cabin | B1 |
Reason for Travel | New job opportunities at Blackpoint |
Keywords | Efficient, Hardworking, Cool Under Pressure |
A strict governess, Katherine has tried to escape a sordid past as a dishonorably discharged draftee. She's relied on a new name and an adopted identity to ensure she can find jobs as a governess. She is trying to move westward where it is less likely she will be recognized and revealed.
She was dishonorably discharged from the Army for getting romantically involved with a superior officer (Col. Labey), and failing to disclose his identity when investigated.
She was beyond Pinkerton's suite at the time of the murders.
Noticeably clever, Shuts fown all talk of herself immediately. Right Handed.
I was in my quarters with Elsa until she was recalled by the MEP. I didn't leave all night.
Luther Lette
Race | Gnome |
Age | 45 |
Occupation | Secretary (to Forbes) |
Cabin | A11 |
Reason for Travel | Accompanying Forbes |
Keywords | Young, Inexperienced, A Little Brash |
Luther Lette was a promising law student, but his excessive love for inebriating drinks caused the University to expell him. He has taken odd secretarial jobs ever since to make ends meet.
Lette has been embezzling from Forbes for the past year, both out of greed and out of hatred, as he knows Forbes killed George Pabst on purpose.
He was with Col. Labey all throughout the night of the murder.
Wears spectacles. A closer examination reveals they are very expensive. Right Handed
Colonel Labey and I had a discussion that went really late, or really early depending on how you look at it. I think we finally finished our bottles around 3:30 AM. I remember looking at my timepiece and thinking Mr. Forbes is going to kill me for showing up hung over. Guess I had the right idea but the wrong victim.
I think I saw Ms. Gibb shortly before and after Stoker walked by.
Merl Pinkerton
Race | Tiefling (Red) |
Age | 49 |
Occupation | Salesman (Private Eye) |
Cabin | A9 |
Reason for Travel | Business (Hired by Forbes) |
Keywords | Loud, Flamboyant, Persuasive (Cool, Collected) |
The son of a decorated Gendarme Detective, Merl decided at an early age not to follow directly in his father's gootsteps, and instead launched an early form of the private detective agency. He is well known among the Gendarme as an expert sleuth, but has managed to keep his name relatively well hidden from the general consciousness.
Pinkerton is secretly working for Forbes, both as hired security as well as to help Forbes discover who has been stealing from him. He suspects Lette, but has not confronted the Gnome.
He was hired to protect Forbes. He stood guard with Stoker after Georgina was "attacked", and Cochran will vouch for his good character.
Looks like the quintessential door-to-door salesman. Slight bulge in his jacket pocket from a lockpick set. Left Handed
I was on the lookout for anyone trying to access the first-class coach. The only people I saw rushing back and forth were the Conductors, Ms. Gibb, Mr. Owl, and Mrs. Mildred. The latter I stopped once it was clear something fishy was going on. I lost track of the Kenku while I was standing guard over Mrs. Pabst.
Dr. Abraham Coghill
Race | Halfling |
Age | 130 |
Occupation | Physician / Apothecary |
Cabin | A10 |
Reason for Travel | Visiting Relatives |
Keywords | Crotchetty, Direct, Secretly Kindhearted |
Dr. Coghill began his career as an Army medic, but decided to pursue private practice as soon as his enlistment came to an end. He is a respected physician within Siddar circles, and is the Chairman of the Siddar Medical Society.
Dr. Coghill has for some time been dependent on a cocktail of muscle relaxants and soporifics in order to sleep. He keeps several vials hidden throughout his person, amongst the dozens of other potions and draughts.
He was knocked out the entire night, and beyond Pinkerton's suite.
Carries dozens of little glass vials on him. Right Handed
I was in my quarters all night, having taken a sleeping draught. I didn't even notice the derailment until Mr. Stoker was kind enough to rouse me for breakfast.
Sol Forbes
Race | Human |
Age | 72 |
Occupation | Businessman (Distillery Owner) |
Cabin | A3 |
Reason for Travel | Vacation (1 yr. Anniversary) |
Keywords | Refined, Menacing, Sour |
The owner of several smaller distilleries, Forbes' delivery cart accidentally killed George Pabst a little over a year ago. While tragic, the accident had the fortunate consequence that it gave Forbes an opportunity to meet, and later marry, Georgina Pabst and her not inconconsequential fortune and social status.
Forbes' real name is Cyril Weddal, a known racketeer and criminal. He murdered George Pabst in order to rid himself of a potential financial problem, and took advantage of his widow's grief to inject himself into her life and grant his cover businesses an air of respectability.
He was killed first.
Gives off bad vibes to a lot of people. Wears fine clothing, but it feels wrong on him.
Time of Death : 11 PM to 2 AM, hard to tell due to the cold
Cause of Death : 7 stab wounds to the abdomen
Notes : Appears to have been done with a common knife by a left-handed assailant. There is evidence of a single, right-handed blow, but it is inconclusive.
Georgina Pabst
Race | Dwarf |
Age | 120 |
Occupation | Housewife, Mother, Confidant, Chef, Therapist, and whatever else strikes her mood. |
Cabin | A2 |
Reason for Travel | Vacation (1 yr. Anniversary) |
Keywords | Talkative, Round, Short, Henish |
Widowed twice and remarried thrice, Mrs. Pabst is a chatterbox of the worst kind. She constantly talks over everyone, regaling anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in her sights with inane stories about her daughter and her former and current husbands. Despite everything, she is a good natured person at heart, and has been called "The Unsinkable Mrs. Pabst" both due to her tenaciousness as well as her "buoyant" personality.
Mrs. Pabst learned that Forbes killed her previous husband on purpose, and has been plotting revenge for some time now. She conspired with Iris to rid each other of their mutual problems while on the Express.
She was attacked and knocked unconsciouss during the murders.
Huge Personality, Bright Red Hair, Loud, Talktative, Right Handed
I was in my compartment, when all of a sudden I woke up due to the sound of a door being opened, you know just like in those horror shellackies that are all the rage nowadays. I just knew a man had come into my chamber, and don't give me that look I know precisely what the feeling of a man in my chambers is! I felt a bump on my head and I when I finally came to I panicked and rang for Mr. Stalker. He took for absolutely ever and then had the gall to suggest I dreamt it up! I've never been so insulted in my life, I have half a mind to write a sternly worded letter to the Director of the Trans-Siddar's wife!
Nanie Hays
Race | Kenku |
Age | 62 |
Occupation | Missionary, Former Nurse |
Cabin | B6 |
Reason for Travel | Pilgrimage |
Keywords | Sheepish, Foreign (Far West), Easily Embarrassed |
A nurse by vocation, Haws was drawn to the simple life of a nun for Mother Church after a particularly devastating outbreak of influenza. She moved to Ichorburn, the distant capital of Mother Church in Mountaincross Province, but has since returned East to spread the faith.
She knows Dr. Coghill's drug problem, but does not want to shame him by revealing it.
She was beyond Pinkerton's suite.
Nun's Habit, Poor command of the language (Kenku)
Hays was in her compartment all night, and can vouch that Mildred was up knitting and walking around most of the night. She didn't mind, but it did keep her up.
Mat Stoker
Race | Firbolg |
Age | 120 |
Occupation | Conductor (Quicksilver) |
Cabin | C2 |
Reason for Travel | ICSC Employee |
Keywords | Respectable, Honest, Lacking Brains |
A pleasant and perpetually cheerful man, Stoker has no ambitions beyond being the face of the Stonhyr Express' most prestigious accomodations. He is extremely proud of his job and his spotless record.
He was in the locomotive with Cochran and the engineers at the time of the murder. He stood guard with Pinkerton till morning after Mrs. Pabst reported being attacked.
Conductor's Uniform. Left Handed
I was in the engine with Wrigth, Cochran, and the engineers until around 12:40 AM I did pop by the cars for a brief moment to let everyone know of the derailment, but then I went right back. I think it was around 12:30 AM.
After that, I went back around 12:45 AM, and it wasn't until 1:10 AM that Mr. Forbes accidentally rang for me. Then it was quiet until Mrs. Pabst had her incident around 1:30 AM.
I know someone was in the forward lavatory while I was guarding Mrs. Pabst. I went to investigate since they were in there a long time, and I got a response, but when I overrode the lock there was no one in there, and a small puddle of water had formed beneath the window.
Rush Wright
Race | Tiefling (Black) |
Age | 27 |
Occupation | Conductor (Midnight Sun) |
Cabin | C3 |
Reason for Travel | ICSC Employee |
Keywords | Tomboyish, Informal, Vigilant |
Unlike Stoker, Rush considers her current position as the #2 Conductor of the Express to be a stepping stone to bigger and better things. She has her eyes set on the Directorship, and she's not afraid to let anyone know of her ambitions. She is a little tomboyish, spurring the more form-fitting women's skirt for the male trousers, and the ascott for a tie.
She was in the aft cars at the time of the crime, covering for another conductor who got hurt during the derailment. Several passengers saw her throughout the night and will attest to the excellent service she rendered even to "Coach" class riders.
Fiery yellow eyes and a constant predatory smirk. She is sometimes mistaken for a man due to her more masculine clothing choices.
I was in the engine with Cochran, Stoker, and the engineers, till I was sent to the aft cars to relieve another conductor whohad gotten hurt. I didn't really see anything. You can ask around, all the aft cars passengers saw me.
Thaddeus Dunn
Race | Elf |
Age | 440 |
Occupation | Valet (Forbes) |
Cabin | B9 |
Reason for Travel | Accompanying Forbes and Mrs. Pabst |
Keywords | Dour, Grave, Disapproving, Reserved |
Dunn does not talk much about himself or his past. He was raised by a very traditional family who taught him the importance of decorum and ritual despite their low social status. Dunn believes that it is his duty to serve his employer, and keep any thoughts or judgement to himself. he has a distaste for non-Elves, but it is borne out of a perceived lack of decorum.
Dunn knows Pinkerton's true identity, and has knowledge of many of Forbes' lesser criminal activities (tax evasion, fraud, etc.)
He was kept awake by Uleaven's illness all night.
Bowler hat and very formal clothes with gloves. Right Handed.
One was kept up all night by that oafish brute and his sensitive stomach. One did not hear anything, did not leave one's cabin, and kept to oneself.
Otis Uleaven
Race | Half Orc |
Age | 107 |
Occupation | Steam Engine Salesman / Factory Owner |
Cabin | B10 |
Reason for Travel | Business |
Keywords | Large, Voluble, Passionate, No Sense of Fashion |
A former wagon driver, Uleaven saw an early steam engine at his family's forge and immediately realized that was where the future lay. With only a handful of gold pieces in his pocket, he set out to Glacierheart to learn all he could about them. He now owns a successful steam engine fabrication shop, and is looking to expand to Blackpoint
Uleaven was one shaken down by Forbes (Weddal) and recognized him on the train. He left a threatening note, meaning only to upset Forbes.
He was sick and kept Dunn up all night.
Loud, Bright Clothing, Always talking about how great Siddar and the Republic are.
I was sick, something about lunch just didn't sit well with me. That Dunn guy, the butler, no sympathy for others. Kept complaining I kept him up all night, he could have just offered a little sympathy.
I heard Forbes was dirty, involved in all kinds of illegal gambling and fight rigging. Plus, his alcohol wasn't all that good, I wonder how he got so rich so quickly.
Elsa Gibb
Race | Tabaxi |
Age | 32 |
Occupation | Maid (MEP Learmonth) |
Cabin | B5 |
Reason for Travel | Accompanying MEP Learmonth |
Keywords | Dependable, Trustworthy, Unimaginative |
Orphaned at a young age, Gibb was afforded only a basic education. scraping together enough funds to attend finishing school, Gibb was hired by MEP Learmonth during one of her re-election campaigns, and has been with the grand old dame ever since. She considers the MEP to be the mother she never had.
None, but she is entirely loyal to the MEP.
She was with MEP Learmonth.
Can practically read the MEP's mind.
I was with my Lady since Mr. Stoker came to fetch me. She had a terrible fright, and she enjoys hearing me read. It was strange through, Mr. Stoker was in such a rush when he came to get me, and then he was just strolling along like nothing a few minutes later when I nearly bumped into him going into my Lady's room. He looked really frightened.
MEP Filomena Learmonth
Race | Human |
Age | 76 |
Occupation | Member-Elector of Parliament (Blackpoint District) |
Cabin | A4 |
Reason for Travel | Returning for General Elections |
Keywords | Toadlike, Elderly, Dignified, Iron Willed |
A distinguished parliamentarian, MEP Learmonth has served for over 50 years, earning a well-deserved reputation as an iron-willed, shrewd, and dignified diplomat and politician. She is known among her supporters and detractors alike as "The Iron Toad", much to her great displeasure.
She has promised to help Iris stay in the Republic, but she is facing a tough re-election campaign and does not want the scandal of the murders to tarnish her hard-earned reputation.
She was with Gibbs throughout the night in her quarters. She is too weak to have dealt the death blows to Forbes.
She wears a large red sash with gold embroidery reading "Member Elector of Parliament" that is almost as large as she is
I was in my cabin when the train derailed. Conductor Stoker was kind enough to check in on me, and went to get Ms. Gibb to keep me company. We spent all night reading The Collected Fables of Mary the Prophetess, childish I know but I've had a weakness for it since I was a child.
Iris Keogh
Race | Half-Elf |
Age | 80 |
Occupation | None |
Cabin | A6 |
Reason for Travel | Returning to Anacreon |
Keywords | Exotic, Beautiful, Charming Accent |
The daughter of a minor aristocratic family in Anacreon, Iris always resented that her only worth was as a potential bride to richer and more powerful families. She longs for the freedom and independence she experienced within the Republic, and wants nothing more than to stay.
She had planned to escape her marriage and stay in the Republic as an Asylumn seeker, possibly under an assumed identity, until she and Mrs. Pabst bonded over their mutual hatred of the men that had wronged them. She killed Forbes while he was comatose.
She is known to take sleeping draughts and potions every night. Mat Stoker saw her drink one such vial the night of the murder, but unbeknownst to him, it was a fake.
Olive skin tone, Finest Siddar clothing. Left Handed.
I was asleep all night, due to the sleeping draught Dr. Cochran gave me. I must admit I'm glad I slept through it all, it must have been terribly frightening. I don't know anything until Mr. Cochran stopped by this morning to check up on me.
Mr. Stoker brought me water for the draught, and he saw me take it.
Lige Keogh
Race | Half-Elf |
Age | 102 |
Occupation | Ambassador from Anacreon |
Cabin | A7 |
Reason for Travel | Returning to Anacreon |
Keywords | Handsome, Tall, Slender, Foreign Mustache |
An ambassador from the tiny midwest kingdom of Anacreon, Lige is fascinated by the Republic's unique form of First Age worship which he finds charmingly quaint. He is tired of the society though, with all their radical ideas and careless diregard for the proper order. He was pleased when his recall papers came through.
He is leaving behind several large gambling debts, some to Forbes' less-than-legitimate businesses. He has been abusive towards Iris behind closed doors, and while he is known to have a temper, the full extent has been suppressed.
Large foreign-looking mustache, Fine Siddar Clothing. Right Handed.
- Time of Death : 12 AM - 3 AM, difficult to tell due to weather
- Cause of Death : Energy Discharge (Glyph of Warding, Scorching Ray L3)
Hercules Parrót
Hercules Parrót is really a placeholder for a GMPC to help the party if needed.
Race | Aarakocra (unhelpful) or Kenku (helpful) |
Age | 20 (Aarakocra) or 43 (Kenku) |
Occupation | Actor |
Cabin | A1 |
Reason for Travel | Returning to Blackpoint |
Keywords | Vain, Boorish, Stupid, Cowardly (Unhelpful) or Inquisitive, Observant, Hard-Boiled (Helpful) |
Parrót is a famous actor from Blackpoint, well known for his unique portrayal of detectives. Based entirely on his work with the City Guard and the Knights Templar, Parrót channels the gritty underdark of Blackpoint into his characters, giving them a brutal reality sorely lacking from his contemporaries' portrayals.
A suitable alibi should be concocted for Parrót depending on the amount of knowledge he should have. He can assist Cochran with the inspection, or go with Wright to assist passengers / lift morale.
He is either extremely useless, and can be used to hint that a particular train of thought is fruitless, or he can be useful but cryptic, simply serving as a hint-dropping mechanism. He's really meant as a joke / hint mechanism.
Express Timetable
Time | Event |
Day 1 @ 10:00 PM | Departure from Siddar City Central Station |
Day 1 @ 10:30 PM | Supper Service |
Day 2 @ 3:30 AM | Arrival at Glacierheart |
Day 2 @ 4:00 AM | Departure from Glacierheart |
Day 2 @ 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Breakfast Service |
Day 2 @ 11:30 AM | Arrival at Featherfurth |
Day 2 @ 12:00 PM | Departure from Featherfurth |
Day 2 @ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Lunch Service |
Day 2 @ 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Dinner Service |
Day 2 @ 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM | Light Supper Service |
Day 3 @ 7:30 AM | Arrival at Pratergate |
Day 3 @ 8:00 AM | Departure from Pratergate |
Day 3 @ 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Breakfast Service |
Day 3 @ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Lunch Service |
Day 3 @ 5:30 - 6:30 | Dinner Service |
Day 3 @ 11:00 PM | Light Supper Service |
Day 3 @ 11:30 PM | Arrival at Ravenshelm |
Day 4 @ 12:00 AM | Departure from Ravenshelm |
Day 4 @ 8:30 AM | Breakfast Service |
Day 4 @ 10:00 AM | Arrival at Blackpoint |
True Timetable
Time | Event |
Day 1 @ 10:00 PM | Departure from Siddar City Central Station |
Day 1 @ 10:30 PM | Supper Service |
Day 2 @ 3:30 AM | Arrival at Glacierheart |
Day 2 @ 4:00 AM | Departure from Glacierheart |
Day 2 @ 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Breakfast Service |
Day 2 @ 11:30 AM | Arrival at Featherfurth |
Day 2 @ 12:00 PM | Departure from Featherfurth |
Day 2 @ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | Lunch Service |
Day 2 @ 5:00 PM | Delay for Troop Transport |
Day 2 @ 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Dinner Service |
Day 2 @ 7:00 PM | All Clear |
Day 2 @ 10:30 PM - 11:30 PM | Light Supper Service |
Day 2 @ 11:20 PM | The Plot is Executed |
Day 3 @ 12:00 AM | The Express Derails |
Day 3 @ 12:25 AM | The First Murder |
Day 3 @ 1:05 AM | The Second Murder |
Day 3 @ 9:00 AM | The Discovery |
Timeline of Events
Day 1, 10:00 PM - Departure from Siddar City
The following passengers board at this station:
Group 1
- Georgina Pabst
- Sol Forbes
- Luther Lette
- Thaddeus Dunn
Group 2
- Iris Keogh
- Lige Keogh
Group 3
- MEP Filomena Learmonth
- Elsa Gibb
Group 4
- Merl Pinkerton
Group 5
- Dr. Abraham Coghill
- Nanie Hays
Abner Cochran is already aboard in the Restaurant Car.
Day 1, 10:30 PM - Supper Service
Iris and Dr. Cochran sit together. Iris discusses her restlessness and lack of sleep aboard trains. Dr. Cochran gives her a sleeping draught. Lige sits with them.
MEP Learmonth and Elsa Gibb are absent. They are in the MEP's compartment. The MEP enjoys listening to Gibb read before going to bed.
Cochran sits alone, but welcomes company. He will discuss the company's past, and will answer any questions about the line or the company.
Pabst, Hays, and Forbes sit together. Pabst tells inane stories. Pabst will "kidnap" any player she fancies and forces them to dine with her. She reveals readily that she is on her first year anniversary, and that her previous husband was killed in an accident with Forbes' delivery wagon. She further reveals that Forbes came to call on her daily shortly after the accident, eventually leading to their marriage.
Lige and Forbes stare daggers at each other the entire supper from across separate tables.
Pinkerton is absent from dinner. He is inspecting Forbes' compartment while everyone is distracted. He will then do a run of the train to check for known faces in the other cars.
Lette and Dunn sit alone in silence. They will not offer much conversation.
Mat Stoker and Rush Wright will be transferring baggage to the baggage car as requested, and will otherwise return to their compartment during supper.
Forbes, Lette, and Dunn leave early to review earnings documents in Forbes' compartment.
Iris will leave early to discuss asylum with the MEP under the guise of a social visit.
Day 2, 3:30 AM - Arrival at Glacierheart
The following passengers board at this station:
Group 1
- Katherine Rand
- Col. Isham Labey
Group 2
- Otis Uleaven
Uleaven will accidentally hop in the wrong bunk and startle Dunn. They do not enjoy each other's company.
Day 2, 8:30 AM - Breakfast Service
Iris and Pabst dine together, and bond over their shared love of the Republic's greater freedoms. They will shortly retire to the observation car to discuss their mutual marriage problems and concoct the murder plot. The women will make polite conversation, but will make it clear they wish to be alone.
Rand and Labey eat in tense silence across a pair of adjacent tables. They will not offer much conversation.
Coghill and Hays exchange medical stories, with the former starting to get the hang of deciphering the latter's sounds into something resembling speech.
Pinkerton searches Uleaven's quarters with Dunn, as both suspect that the Half-Orc is clearly a hired goon in a ridiculous disguise. They will find nothing.
Uleaven tries to rope Lige into a joint business venture, but the latter will tersely decline, citing the impropriety of it. Uleaven will finish breakfast with Cochran if possible, discussing their shared admiration of the wonders of steam.
Lette and Forbes will pour over financial records all throughout breakfast.
MEP Learmonth and Gibbs will eat together, with the latter ordering complicated special requests. The MEP and Gibbs will discuss the Blackpoint situation and the upcoming General Election.
Stoker and Wright are off duty during breakfast.
Day 2, 11:30 AM - Arrival at Featherfurth
If the players look like they are having trouble, or aren't in a good position to unravel the mystery, the following passenger can board at this station:
- Hercules Parrót
He is a celebrated actor who often portrays detectives. He is a tool for the GM to point the party in a particular direction, either by actually helping or by being so clearly incompetent that nothing he says can possibly be accurate, thereby steering the party away from a particular fruitless line.
Day 2, 12:30 PM - Lunch Service
Iris and MEP Learmonth sit together and discuss the Republic. Gibb sits with them but doesn't contribute much.
Rand, Hays, and Cochran are held hostage to Mrs. Pabst's conversation.
Forbes and Lette take a break. Forbes and Dunn dine in silence. Lette joins Lige and Labey.
Uleaven leaves early, complaining of abdominal pain.
Coghill will follow him shortly after summoning Stoker to fetch his medical kit.
Lige and Labey have an argument, causing Lige to storm off. The argument is spurred by the two parties' drasticly different interpretation of the "natural order". Lette and Labey hit it off pretty well, despite some disagreements.
Day 2, 5:00 PM - Delay
At a signal junction, the Express is sidelined to make way for a barging troop transport. The junction flags indicate that there has been a monster attack down the line, and military necessities trump passanger services.
Day 2, 5:30 PM - Dinner Service
The Express is still sidelined until the line is cleared.
Forbes and Pabst dine with Lige and Iris. They have a hushed conversation where Lige and Forbes agree to meet at around 1:30 AM to settle the outstanding gambling debts.
MEP Learmonth and Dr. Coghill dine, and discuss their shared interest in Iris' wellbeing, albeit in polite and hushed tones so as not to be overheard.
Uleaven is missing. Stoker and Coghill will affirm that Uleaven is sick and resting in his berth.
Rand and Labey are in the observation car, pretending not to know one another while carrying on a tense conversation. They are not doing a good job of pretending.
Lette and Dunn dine in silence.
Cochran, Stoker, and Wright are in the baggage car with the other conductors, discussing the delay and how it will impact the train's timetable.
Hays dines alone, but she seems unfazed by it.
Pinkerton is absent, as it is becoming increasingly common. He is searching Lette's room, and has found evidence that it is Letter that is stealing from Forbes. He also finds evidence that Forbes killed George Pabst over a business dispute. He will not reveal his findings to Forbes, as he needs time to decide whether he's working for the right person or not.
Forbes, Lette, and Dunn will stay in the Restaurant car until suppertime, going over paperwork.
Day 2, 7:00 PM - All Clear
The flags are updated as the line is finally cleared. The Express resumes its journey. Cochran has ordered the engineers to try to make up time, and open up the throttle.
The weather has taken a turn for the worse though, and a heavy blizzard is descending upon the area. Stoker and Wright inform the passengers of the new timetable, and offer some complimentary hot drinks.
Day 2, 10:30 PM - Supper Service
Pabst and Hays are missing. They are chatting in Hays' room, and snacking on some cheese and bread brought by Wright.
Lette, Dunn, and Forbes continue to go over documents.
Learmonth and Iris sit at a far table and discuss the mechanisms of asylumn in general terms.
Rand and Labey share a light snack in the observation car. They haven't left since dinner.
Pinkerton pays Uleaven a visit to try to pump him for information under the guise of a friendly visit. He discounts the sick Half-Orc as a threat, and gives him some contacts that could be useful in Blackpoint as an apology for wasting his time.
Coghill retrieves a new batch of sleeping draughts from his private locker in the baggage car. He visibly takes one before leaving the restaurant car, but if asked will claim to have had a headache. Back at the He also hands one vial to Stoker and asks him to deliver it to Iris later that evening when she retires.
Lige is in his room, fuming.
Cochran is making the rounds along the train, thanking all the passengers for their patience and offering apologies for the delay.
Forbes orders a coffee to be brought to him at 11:30 PM, to his compartment.
Day 2, 11:20 PM - The Plot is Executed
Iris will leave early, and receive the draught from Stoker. She asks him to bring her some water, and while he is gone, swaps the draught with a placebo. She drinks the fake potion in front of him when he returns.
Pabst will return to her compartment before the end of supper, where she picks up a draught Iris left in the end priv. She returns to the restaurant car and orders a warm milk, and while the attendant is distracted, spikes the readied coffee for Forbes. If for some reason she is caught, she will claim that she is only doing it to make sure Forbes gets some sleep, as he has been staying up all night to go over paperwork.
Stoker picks up the coffee and delivers it not a few moments later. Forbes will quickly down the cup and notice nothing.
Lette and Dunn will be dismissed by Forbes as the latter wants some privacy to review some of the less-than-legal business books. He will quickly find himself overcome with exhaustion, but given his lack of sleep recently he won't find it too suspicious. He'll decide to take a short nap as the sleeping draught hits him.
On his way back, Lette runs into Labey and Rand, who are returning from the Observation Car. Lette invites Labey to discuss politics. The dragonborn accepts and bids Rand a polite goodbye.
Day 3, 12:00 AM - The Express Derails
As the blizzard rages on, the Express hits a snowbank that has built up on the rails. Although the snow gives, it lifts and halts the train, causing the engine to derail. The passengers will feel a harsh deceleration. Some people will receive minor bumps and bruises, and a few will get more serious injuries, often from falling or being struck by a heavy object knocked loose.
Stoker and Wright will check on the passengers in the cars, and being making announcements of another delay while the state of the Express is examined. Before Stoker heads to the locomotive, MEP Learmonth will summon him, and ask him to fetch Gibb. He wakes her and transmits the message before heading to the engine at 12:15 AM with Cochran.
Wright heads to the other passenger cars to take over for a conductor who was struck by a heavy suitcase and needs to rest.
Day 3, 12:25 AM - The First Murder
Iris uses her minor magical training to disguise herself as Stoker, and dons a stolen Conductor's uniform. She accidentally bumps into Gibb as the latter reports to Learmonth's cabin.
At 12:25 AM, Stoker returns from the locomotive and announces that the train has derailed. He announces it to the various compartments, and excuses himself to continue assessing the damage.
Going through the connecting door in Pabst's room, Iris enters Forbes' compartment, and finds him unconscious. She stabs Forbes several times at 12:26 AM. She opens the window, hoping to confuse the investigation. She then takes the knife with her after wiping it down to return to her compartment.
At 12:28 AM, she crosses the connecting door again and leaves. She returns to her compartment after hiding the stolen uniform in an empty compartment (only if Hercules Parrót is not aboard, otherwise she will hide the uniform in Gibb's room).
Day 3, 1:05 AM - The Second Murder
Lige leaves his room to talk to Forbes and settle the debts. He slips into the dark cabin, and discovers the body when he opens the Ichor lamp shutters. He knows that he will be implicated, and decides to steal and destroy any evidence of his debt before leaving.
At 1:10 AM, Stoker accidentally rings the conductor's bell. Stoker, who had recently returned, answers, but is told by Lige (pretending to be Forbes) it was a mistake.
At 1:26 AM, Lige accidentally triggers a Glyph of Warding, which activates a Scorching Ray spell that kills him.
At 1:30 AM, after hearing the Glyph go off, Pabst frantically rings the bell, claiming that she felt a man in her compartment. Stoker attempts to calm her down, and tries to fetch Dr. Coghill without success (the Dr. is knocked out by his sleeping draught). Pinkerton notices the worried conductor, and joins him to stand guard outside Mrs. Pabst's door until morning.
Day 3, 9:00 AM - The Discovery
When Lette and Dunn are unable to rouse Forbes for breakfast, they fetch Stoker Cochran, and Coghill, and use the Conductor's key to open the compartment. They are shocked to discover the two bodies, and the investigation begins.