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Lord Protector Of The Republic

General Info

  • Appointment : Election by Parliament
  • Current incumbent : Greghor Stonhyr
  • Term : Lifetime



  • Role : Autocrat
  • Location : Lord Protector's Palace, Siddar City, Republic of Siddarmark


Though the Republic prides itself for it's uniquely progressive form of representative government, the nation-state is best described as an autocratic stratocracy - a military dictatorship - under the direction of the Lord Protector.

Unlike the barbarian strong-man kingdoms that dominated post-Sack society, the Republic enjoys a fully functional government with independent branches of government and codified rule of law. While the Lord Protector holds ultimate authority over the government, centuries of tradition and deference to the original titleholder create a practical limit to the degree of direct involvement. The details of executing national policy are left to the Army Civil Service, while the various subject towns and cities are granted varying degrees of autonomy in implementing directives set by the government.

Short of a national crisis, the Protectorship is primarily a ceremonial role that directs the overall course of the Republic by guiding public opinion and support. Public audiences and appearances dominate the daily schedules of incumbents. These can range from civilian petitioners from within the Republic's many subject settlements, to ceremonial appearances to conmemorate a new public works project.

Member-Electors are guaranteed private audiences upon request, which often serve as both public policy discussions as much as lobbying and political maneuvering sessions. Though Parliament has little power to direct government, individual members carry massive amounts of popular capital, and their support can make or break policy set by the civil administration.

A joint address by the Lord Protector and the local MEP can rally the citizens of a district into single-minded devotion towards a goal that is unheard of elsewhere on Tritan. During the grain crisis of 406 AGS for example, food riots throughout the city were calmed by the personal appearance of the Lord Protector of the time, Rhaz Chalmyr. As the legend goes, Chalmyr famously rode through the city to personally distribute Army rations to the rioting masses in the worst hit districts, knowing fully well that the rations would only last a day at best. As word spread, the city rallied, and every scrap of food that could be spared by citizens both rich and poor found its way to the public storehouses and temples. With the MEPs' taking charge of their district's donations, mass famine was staved off for months, until the harvests were ready and grain prices were restored to normal.

Notable Events

  • Prayer of Humble Access :

    Delivered on the first Kalends of a new year, the Lord Protector leads the services within the Cathedral of the Republic, following the text of Ludovyc's prayer after that first terrible winter in Siddar Bay.

    The Lord Protector's Prayer

    We do not presume to come to this thy Table, O merciful Lords, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We be not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art the same, my Lords, whose property is always to have mercy: Grant us therefore, gracious Lords, so to eat the blessings of thy flora and fauna, and to drink from thy rivers and streams, in these holy Mysteries, that we may continually dwell in thee, and thee in us. And I beseach you, O Lords above, forget not those wretched souls no longer among us, that their sinful bodies may be made clean by your will, and their souls washed through your grace, that they may be accepted beside thee amongst the heavenly planes. Amen.


Historical Account

The history of the office is deeply intertwined into the history of the Republic as a whole. Following the events of the Great Sack, a group of peasant refugees and former city militia from The Gate fled northwards under the direction of Urwyn Ludovyc, an Imperial Army Lieutenant-Colonel. Besieged at every turn by monstrous creatures and roving bands of raiders, strict military discipline was necessary to ensure the group's survival. As the highest-ranked survivor, it fell to Ludovyc to maintain order and guide the survivors to the relative safety of Siddar Bay.

As time passed and external threats of raids and attacks diminished, Ludovyc's role became increasingly consumed with the administration and operation of the settlement. As a lifelong military officer and former fort commander, it was only natural to extend the military organization that had served the survivors for so long. The tent-city was already run as an army encampement, so the problem was primarily one of scale.

As for the civilian population, a decade of trauma and first-hand experience with the bitter realities of life after the Sack had driven home a singular idea: Urwyn Ludovyc had been sent by the Gods to ensure their survival. By many contemporary accounts, the survivors had become entirely dependent on the young military officer as the physical embodiment of their hopes and aspirations.

Ludovyc himself was uncomfortable with the near messianic status placed upon him. As the settlement grew into a proper city, he made multiple attempts to separate himself from the public spotlight. The daily operation of the city was divested to the reorganized Gendarmerie, and eventually codified into the office of the Sergeant-at-Arms. An attempt to retire in 20 AGS resulted in a near uprising by the populace, which had become convinced that a coup was taking place within the army.

In 24 AGS, Ludovyc negotiated a compromise with the prominent citizens and officers of the city and allied settlements. He would continue to serve as head of state, at the direction of a newly formed Parliament. On 25Y 1M KAL, Ludovyc stood before the first session of Parliament and was sworn in as Lord Protector, thereby officially establishing the Republic of Siddarmark.

Although the first few years proved tumultuous, Parliament largely served its intended purpose, and took over leadership of the burgeoning nation. By 35 AGS however, sectionalism and political gamesmanship coupled with particularly harsh winters paralyzed the Republic, leading to a massive economic downturn and near famine.

As the political finger-pointing and mudslinging reached a climax, Parliament passed a series of emergency bills effectively removing themselves from power and devolving it to the beloved Lord Protector. The move proved incredibly popular and uncharacteristically wise. Ludovyc and the rest of the old army leadership were experts in crisis management, and with the fanatical devotion of the population to the aging Lord Protector, were able to instrument a full recovery that would have been unthinkable under the partisanship evoked by Parliament.

By the conclusion of the crisis and a new general election, Parliament became little more than a rubber stamp body, with the full support of the citizenry and the members themselves. The Republic had cemented itself as a military dictatorship.

For his part, Ludovyc would devote the rest of his life to laying the groundwork for a functional government, even if it took a different form than originally intended. As Parliament retreated, Ludovyc re-organized the Army and expanded the administrative ranks to form a civil service for the Republic as a whole, rather than solely for the capital.

By the time of his death at 83 in 51 AGS, the office of Lord Protector and the norms associated with it are to this day defined by the original incumbent. Despite the tremendous power associated with the position, the Lord Protector is expected to be a public servant first and foremost. There is a saying within the Republic that embodies this idea, originally attributed to Urwyn Ludovyc:


Even the lowest beggar can petition the Lord Protector.

To wit, the grounds of the Lord Protector's Palace have no gates, only decorative archways that proudly proclaim the grounds belong to the people.

Ironically, as the workings of government are entirely devolved to the civil service, the Lord Protector's day-to-day duties have become largely ceremonial, fulfilling the role of living national symbol. To abandon the traditions of hands-off leadership is considered anathema, and to date no Protector has dared to truly test the limits of their position.