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Tritanian Calendar


The Tritanian Calendar is composed of 12 Moons, each lasting 31 days. The current calendar begins on the day that the walls of The Gate were breached during the Great Sack. Years are therefore referenced as after the Sack or after the Great Sack, commonly written as AGS.

Dates are counted inclusively forward to the next one of three principal days within each moon:

  • Kalends : First Day of the Moon

  • Nones : Fifth Day of the Moon

  • Ides : Thirteenth Day of the Moon

Thus, a date is typically written as:

The Dth Day before the Primary of the Mth Moon, Y years after the Great Sack

This can be shortened to:

D Primary of Moon M, Y AGS

Or more compactly:


So for example, the following three phrases all refer to the same date:

  • 570Y 3M 15KAL
  • 15 Kalends of Moon 3, 570 AGS
  • The 15th Day before the Kalends of the 3rd Moon, 570 years after the Great Sack

Calendar Table

Day Name Abbreviation
1 On the Kalends Kal
2 On the 4th Day before the Nones 4 Non
3 On the 3rd Day before the Nones 3 Non
4 On the Day before the Nones 2 Non
5 On the Nones Non
6 On the 8th Day before the Ides 8 Ide
7 On the 7th Day before the Ides 7 Ide
8 On the 6th Day before the Ides 6 Ide
9 On the 5th Day before the Ides 5 Ide
10 On the 4th Day before the Ides 4 Ide
11 On the 3rd Day before the Ides 3 Ide
12 On the Day before the Ides 2 Ide
13 On the Ides Ide
14 On the 19th Day before the Kalends 19 Kal
15 On the 18th Day before the Kalends 18 Kal
16 On the 17th Day before the Kalends 17 Kal
17 On the 16th Day before the Kalends 16 Kal
18 On the 15th Day before the Kalends 15 Kal
19 On the 14th Day before the Kalends 14 Kal
20 On the 13th Day before the Kalends 13 Kal
21 On the 12th Day before the Kalends 12 Kal
22 On the 11th Day before the Kalends 11 Kal
23 On the 10th Day before the Kalends 10 Kal
24 On the 9th Day before the Kalends 9 Kal
25 On the 8th Day before the Kalends 8 Kal
26 On the 7th Day before the Kalends 7 Kal
27 On the 6th Day before the Kalends 6 Kal
28 On the 5th Day before the Kalends 5 Kal
29 On the 4th Day before the Kalends 4 Kal
30 On the 3rd Day before the Kalends 3 Kal
31 On the Day before the Kalends 2 Kal